Real Estate
Finding suitable building lots is growing increasingly more difficult in the Hancock County area and we are always looking for affordable sites:
vacant lots in residential zones throughout Hancock County
single family, single story houses not exceeding 1,200 square feet (smaller preferred) suitable for remodeling
tracts of land not presently residential, but suitable for residential re-zoning and subdivision/development
tax sale land
To contribute land, call us at (207) 702-9457 or click here to contact us via our website form.
In evaluating land we do our due-diligence to be sure that we’re being the best stewards of our resources. Habitat will:
ask the donor(s) for basic real estate property disclosures;
take a trip out to the site to do a visual survey;
request a professional survey (if available);
check for clear title;
request access to perform a perc-tests (for well–in the event that there is no municipal hook-up) and/or to test existing systems when there is a structure on the lot; and,
work with you on obtaining an appraisal for IRS tax donation purposes.
If the real estate donation is accepted, Habitat will pay all transfer and recording fees.