Maine HFH Affiliate Links
Hancock County Habitat for Humanity is one of eight independently operated affiliates serving communities throughout Maine.
While you don’t have to be a resident of the county in order to apply [just be willing to move here and meet our other criteria for selection], you may also want to contact one of the below local affiliates for assistance / to see if you qualify for their program.
[Please note: Because each affiliate is operated independently, available housing programs, application requirements and open application cycles may differ slightly.]
Outside of the state of Maine, you can find links for other area Habitat affiliates by visiting: http://www.habitat.org/where-we-build.

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Bangor
Physical Address & ReStore:
378 Harlow Street
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: (207) 942-8977
ReStore Phone: (207) 992-0704
Fax: (207) 947-1245
General Email: info@habitatbangor.org
ReStore Email: restore@habitatbangor.org
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland
Mailing Address:
PO Box 10505
Portland, ME 04103
Physical Address & ReStore:
659 Warren Avenue
Portland, ME 04103
Phone: (207) 772-2151
Restore Phone: (207) 221-0047
Fax: (207) 772-8113
General Email: info@habitatme.org
ReStore Email: restore@habitatme.org
Habitat for Humanity/7 Rivers Maine
Physical Address & ReStore:
126 Main Street, Suite #1
Topsham, ME 04086-1221
Phone: (207) 504-9333
ReStore Phone: (207) 504-9340
Fax: (207) 504-9346
General Email: info@habitat7rivers.org
Midcoast Habitat for Humanity
Physical Address & ReStore:
799 West Street
Rockport, ME 04856
Phone: (207) 236-6123
General Email: info@midcoasthabitat.org
Waterville Area Habitat for Humanity
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1972
Waterville, ME 04903-1972
ReStore Address:
24 Silver Street
Waterville, ME 04903-1972
Phone:(207) 370-8268
General Email: habitat@watervilleareahfh.org
Waldo County Habitat for Humanity
Mailing & Physical Address:
93 High Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Phone: (207) 338-2344
General Email: hfhwcoffice@gmail.com
York County Habitat for Humanity
Mailing Address:
PO Box 267
Kennebunk, ME 04043-0267
ReStore Address:
4 Industrial Drive
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Phone: (207) 985-4850
ReStore Phone: (207) 502-7021
General Email: office@habitatyorkcounty.org